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Who are we?


We are FOCUS West, based at the University of Strathclyde. We work across Glasgow and the West of Scotland with a variety of delivery partners to create the best outcomes.

Under Data Protection Laws and the United Kingdom General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), this means we must tell you:


  1. What personal information we collect
  2. How we get your personal information
  3. How we use your personal information
  4. Who we can share your personal information with


What personal information do we collect?


  • Any information provided in your Focus Point profile – Name, Address, Date of Birth, Gender, School etc.
  • Any additional information provided through Focus Point such as hobbies, interests, qualifications, goals, skills, awards or achievements.
  • Any FOCUS West program participation.
  • Any information received on future outcomes.


Reasons we can record and use your information:


  • To allow access to the Focus Point web resource, permitting users to create an account.
  • To register for FOCUS West activities.
  • To let your school know you have signed up to activities and track your progress through the programme.
  • To evaluate the FOCUS West programme including where you go after leaving school.
  • To determine whether the programme is successful or not.
  • To contact you with information which you might find useful.


How we get your personal information


We get this information from:


  • What you tell us whilst creating an account.
  • Data shared directly from school contact teacher to FOCUS West.


Any additional information you provide through the Focus Point web resource.


How we use information about you


We use information about you to:


  • Allow you access to the Focus Point web resource and create your personal profile.
  • Organise and administer the Focus West activities which you wish to take part in.
  • Ensure the program can work with you throughout your school journey.
  • Evaluate the success of our programme.
  • Contact you with information you may find useful.


Keeping your personal information safe


We have security in place to keep your information safe and ensure that only those who should access it, can access it.

Information provided should only be accessed for work reasons and remains confidential. This mean it should not be share unless good reason is present, such as your own or someone else’s safety is at risk.


Who we share your personal information with:


Your teachers will be able to access data which you upload to Focus Point.

FOCUS West delivery partners will have access to your data for the purpose of running events. Our delivery partners are:


Information Advice and Guidance – FOCUS West central team (

FOCUS Point – FOCUS West central team (

S3 Into Focus/S4 Focus on Four – University of Strathclyde (

S5/6 Routes for All – Glasgow Caledonian University (Glasgow schools) ( and University of the West of Scotland (non-Glasgow schools) (

S5/6 Top Up – University of Glasgow (

Portfolio Development Programme - Glasgow School of Art (


We also share your data with Skills Development Scotland (SDS) to find out what you do when you leave secondary school.


We will not keep information about you for longer than it is needed.


The data you provide will be kept on secure web servers until you leave S6. After this, the data will be kept on a local hard drive for a maximum of 5 years to find out what you did after leaving school.


Your rights:


Under UK GDPR regulations, you can:


  • Know what we are doing with your information and why we are using it.
  • Ask to see what information we hold about you (Subject Access Request).
  • Ask us to correct any mistakes we hold in information about you.
  • Withdraw consent to being contacted by FOCUS West or delivery partners about information which may be relevant to you, which is not for administrative purposes.
  • If you have any concerns/issue about how we have processed your data, you can contact the Data Protection Officer at, or make a complaint to the Information Commissioners Office.


For more information, visit: